(620) 253-1401 | info@winbiologics.com

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2024 - 2025 Trade Show Schedule

Catch us in the wild this conference and trade show season!


What people are saying

“…a lot of times you hear speakers say get rid of all fertilizers. Sometimes practical & sometimes not. Only a handful of vendors I’ve met care more about YOUR ROI than their profit margin & Carolyn Wingate is one of them. Check out her company WinBIOLOGICS; she’s out here educating farmers on the best products to use for regenerative farms & is awesome to work with.

Russell Hedrick

We have had no handling issues since switching to SafeNBPT. Our last stabilizer caused many headaches including buildup on equipment and caused the urea to bridge, especially in humidity. We one time had a customer ask us if we had spread urea on their field – turns out the spread pattern was uneven due to clumped urea and buildup on the spinners that didn't allow the urea to spread evenly. SafeNBPT is a better product and we are happy to have made the switch. It is also beneficial that it provides below ground protection and not just above ground. That is a better value piece when talking to growers. We are very happy with SafeNBPT and will contiue to use the product

Texas Retailer

“This year, I used two different carbon products out in the field. I noticed right away that WinBioGold handled better out of the two. My other carbon product would settle out and took a while for me to blend back into suspension. On the other hand, WinBioGoldhandled easily and didn’t settle out all summer. Plus, it smelled really sweet!”

Farmer Southeast Kansas

See us Featured in:

High Plains Journal

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Wichita Business Journal - Women Who Lead

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Our good friend Russell Hendrick mentioned us in this amazing article:

Corn Yield Record Shattered By Farmer’s 459.51 Dryland Bushels: “We also did boron, zinc and micros from WinBiologics with a drone to keep things balanced. Some people hear 310 pounds of nitrogen and think that’s high, but in my area, there are plenty of guys applying 250 pounds of nitrogen and getting only a third of what we yielded.”